Friday, March 9, 2012

Father's Custody for Child Born out of Wedlock

A bill moving through the Arizona Legislature proposes to give fathers equal custody rights of children born out of wedlock provided there was an acknowledgement of paternity by both parents at the time the child was born.

Currently, a mother has full legal custody of a child born out of wedlock until a Court grants a father custodial rights. 

Senate Bill 1492 passed the Senate on March 8, 2012 and is now being considered by the House. 

Personally, I think this would be a good change to current law.  I have seen many instances where a father does not obtain a court order because there is no need to do so when the relationship with the Mother is good.  However, when that relationship sours, father has no rights to his child until he can get into court to establish them.  This can take several months.

I will continue to follow this legislation and provide further updates.

Jason Pistiner, Esq.


  1. Nice article on father custody. This would definitely benefit many fathers in trouble about their children.

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