A review by the University of Arizona of more than 30 published studies found that divorced adults have a significantly higher risk of early death compared with married adults.
Divorced adults had a 23 percent greater chance of dying early than married couples tracked by researchers for an average of 11 years. This risk equated to a similar rate of other public health risks such as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, getting limited exercise, being overweight and drinking heavily.
Divorced men were were at a significantly higher risk for early death than divorced women. They had a 31 percent increased risk for early death over married men, while divorced women had an 18 percent increased risk.
One unanswered question relates to cause and effect. Does divorce lead to poor health, or does poor health lead to divorce?
Jason Pistiner, Esq.
Divorced adults had a 23 percent greater chance of dying early than married couples tracked by researchers for an average of 11 years. This risk equated to a similar rate of other public health risks such as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, getting limited exercise, being overweight and drinking heavily.
Divorced men were were at a significantly higher risk for early death than divorced women. They had a 31 percent increased risk for early death over married men, while divorced women had an 18 percent increased risk.
One unanswered question relates to cause and effect. Does divorce lead to poor health, or does poor health lead to divorce?
Jason Pistiner, Esq.